In still und leise I explore territory, which lies between documentary representation and staged photography. As in my previous work, I return again and again to a particular location, exploring it through the camera viewfinder, scrutinising it in close detail, before taking a step back. I then observe from a distance and wait until my presence is no longer noticed. I do not intervene.
I leave the stage to my protagonists, take advantage of the element of chance, whilst, oblivious to everything else, they become the actors in a drama involving only themselves. They ignore their spectator, but allow my presence. Losing themselves in moments of self-absorption, they merge with their surroundings, in melancholic places where time appears frozen. Places, which have been forgotten, places of upheaval which have the power to reflect an inner world.
I pay great attention to photographic detail, and composition is carefully considered and well controlled in my images. I explore the scene from numerous viewpoints and distances, standing back to allow a wide and sometimes almost panoramic view of the proceedings.
In still und leise there are linear sequences of up to eight time-lapse photographs, like parts of a film sequence, shot from a window, showing only momentary fragments of the complete story, without a beginning or an end.
32 digital c-prints | framed | 45 x 45 cm, | Ed. 5 + 2 AP
Solo exhibition
June 6 – July 5, 2014
Installation shots: Michael Moser